Nosedive (2024) - directed by Sara Thea
Two (2024) - directed by Julianna Wolliver
That’s When the Music Died (2024) - directed by Amanda Marino
Snatched (2024) - animated and directed by Maggie Fox
Patheticality (2024) - Paradise Productions
Fresco (2024) - animated and directed by Angelina Paul, Kim Garneau, Sydney Magrane and Tyler Hernandez
Soul Tags (2024) - directed by Aiden LeTendre
Last Set (2024) - directed by Joseph Acierno
Don’t Look Away (2024) - directed by Joseph Lingad
What the Heart Wants (2023) - directed by Sabrina Geffner
Scenes from a College Cafe (2023) - directed by Timmy Thompson
Winter (2023) - directed by Jai Jackson
Homecoming (2023) - directed by Annie Fleisch
Face Dirt (2023) - directed by A. Roux Tabor
The Florida Manifesto (2022) - directed by Dave Murphy
Skipping a Beat (2022) - directed by Michael D. Smith
Just Like You (2021) - directed by Annie Fleisch